Friday 18 December 2020

Haiku Poem


Today activity was fun because it was fast to do I like activity like this. My haiku is about summer and swimming at the beach and I choose this one because it was the fastest one to do and I like the topic. I hope there more activity like this soon.


  1. Talofa Sau, I really liked your Haiku Poem I think you did great, although it would've been better if you had screencastify yourself saying it, but besides that you did an awesome job Sau. Keep it up !!

  2. hi sau well done it is so good and i like the poem well done .

  3. Hey Sau,

    This poem tells a lovely little story about a fun beach day with friends or family that I think every Kiwi can relate to. I’m glad you enjoyed it, even if it is just because it was quick and easy to do.

    I agree with Deborah that you could screencastify if you are able, if you just do 2 more of these you can get extra points for the ‘Step it up’ task if you’d like to push yourself.

    Nice work Sau,
    See you later in the comments.



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