Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Technology Science Class

 Today I we went to science class at technology. In the beginning we started with a video that Mrs Sharma showed us about flowers. Next we needed to draw a hibiscus flower and label all the parts of the hibiscus. Then Mrs Sharma handed around a chopping board and a knife to dissect a hibiscus. Then we watched a video and while we were watching we were dissecting the hibiscus. Next we took the pollen from the hibiscus and mash it up and put it on glass slide and a cover slide. Finally we put 2 drops of water on the pollen, and then put it under the microscope. It was very clear to see it and it was fun going to technology and doing science.



  1. Malo lelei Sau.I Really liked how you explained your work Its simple but I understand It.Was It really eductional to you did it help you understand all about flowers?.I too have a new blog post on Technology if you want to see just click on my name and you will see my blog it will be the first one.Thank you:)


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